Konu "Industrial pollution control" için Fakülteler / Faculties listeleme

Konu "Industrial pollution control" için Fakülteler / Faculties listeleme

Sırala: Sıra: Sonuçlar:

  • Dulkadiroğlu, Hakan; Doğruel, Serdar; Okutman Taş, Didem; Kabdaşlı, Nuray Işık; Sözen, Seval; Orhon, Derin (IWA Pulishing, 2002-06)
    The effect of chemical treatment on the magnitude of soluble residual COD in the biological treatment effluent is investigated for knit fabric finishing wastewater. Bentonite is selected for its potential to remove soluble ...
  • Dulkadiroğlu, Hakan; İskender, Fatma Gülen; Doğruel, Serdar; Üner, Hiclal; Babuna, Fatma Fatoş; Orhon, Derin (IWA Pulishing, 2002-06)
    Water minimization and exploration of the potential for wastewater recovery and reuse are priority issues of industrial wastewater management. They are extremely significant for the textile industry commonly characterized ...