İslam inancında meleklerin görülmesinin imkanı

Basit öğe kaydını göster Namlı, Abdullah 2021-06-16T09:20:10Z 2021-06-16T09:20:10Z 2021-05
dc.identifier.citation Namlı, A . (2021). İslam inancında meleklerin görülmesinin imkanı. ICMUSS 3th International Congress of Multidisciplinary Social Sciences-3. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Bidge Yayınları, 232-245. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract Özet: İslam tevhîd inancına dayanan bir dindir. İslam inanç esasları içerisinde meleklere îman da yer almaktadır. Melekler, Allah’ın nurdan, ışıktan yarattığı maddî bedeni bulunmayan varlıklardır. Onların kendilerine has özellikleri vardır. Bunların en başında gözle görülemeyen varlıklar oldukları ifade edilir. Gerçekten de normal şartlarda melekleri göremeyiz. Ancak bu ifadelerin melekler mutlak/kesin olarak görülmezler anlamını taşıyıp taşımadığı tartışma götürür. Melekler kendilerinin melek olduğunu gizlemedikleri sürece peygamberler genel olarak melekleri görebilmektedirler. Peygamber meleği gördüğü halde beraberindeki insanlar onları görememektedirler. Bazı durumlarda melekler insan kılığına bürünerek hem peygamberlere hem de diğer insanlara görünebilmektedirler. Bu duruma göre görünüp görünmeme seçenekleri meleklere ait bir özellik olmaktadır. İnsanın melekleri görebilmek için yapabileceği herhangi bir şey yoktur. Bütün bu tespitlerden meleklerin irâdelerine bağlı olarak bu dünyada insanlar tarafından görülebilmelerinin mümkün olduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Kur’an’da, meleklerin peygamberlere gözüktükleri gibi bazı özel durumlarda diğer insanlara da görünebildikleri ifade edilmiştir. Örnek olarak önce Hz. İbrahim’e müjde vermek için sonra da Hz. Lût’un yaşadığı Sodom’u helâk etmek için gelen melekler insan kılığında görünmüş ve insanlarla konuşmuşlardır. Cebrâil, Hz. Meryem’e insan şeklinde görünmüştür. Bütün bunlardan sonra melekler mutlak anlamda insanlara hiç gözükmezler demek uygun olmamaktadır. Abstract: Islam is a religion based on the belief of oneness. Faith in angels is also included in the principles of Islamic belief. Angels are beings that do not have a material body, created by God from light (noor). They have their own characteristics. On the top of that it is stated that these are the invisible beings. Indeed, we cannot see angels under normal conditions. However, it is debatable whether these expressions mean that angels are not seen as absolute or certain. Prophets can generally see angels as long as the angels do not hide that they are angels. Although the prophet saw the angel, the people with him cannot see them. In some cases, angels can be seen both to prophets and other people by disguising themselves as human beings. According to this situation, the option of being visible or not is a feature of the angels. There is nothing man can do to see the angels. From all these determinations, it appears that it is possible for the angels to be seen by people in this world depending on their will. In the Quran, it is stated that angels can be seen to other people in some special situations as they appear to prophets. For example, angels who came first to give good news to Abraham and then to destroy Sodom, where Lot lived, appeared as human beings and talked to people. Gabriel appeared to Mary in the form of a human. After all this, it is not appropriate to say that angels are absolutely invisible to humans. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract Islam is a religion based on the belief of oneness. Faith in angels is also included in the principles of Islamic belief. Angels are beings that do not have a material body, created by God from light (noor). They have their own characteristics. On the top of that it is stated that these are the invisible beings. Indeed, we cannot see angels under normal conditions. However, it is debatable whether these expressions mean that angels are not seen as absolute or certain. Prophets can generally see angels as long as the angels do not hide that they are angels. Although the prophet saw the angel, the people with him cannot see them. In some cases, angels can be seen both to prophets and other people by disguising themselves as human beings. According to this situation, the option of being visible or not is a feature of the angels. There is nothing man can do to see the angels. From all these determinations, it appears that it is possible for the angels to be seen by people in this worlddepending on their will. In the Quran, it is stated that angels can be seen to other people in some special situations as they appear to prophets. For example, angels who came first to give good news to Abraham and then to destroy Sodom, where Lot lived, appeared as human beings and talked to people. Gabriel appeared to Mary in the form of a human. After all this, it is not appropriate to say that angels are absolutely invisible to humans. tr_TR
dc.language.iso tur tr_TR
dc.publisher Bidge Yayınları tr_TR
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess tr_TR
dc.subject İslam tr_TR
dc.subject Akâid tr_TR
dc.subject Kelâm tr_TR
dc.subject Melekler tr_TR
dc.subject Rü'yet tr_TR
dc.subject Islam tr_TR
dc.subject Creeds tr_TR
dc.subject Kalam (Islamic Theology) tr_TR
dc.subject Angels tr_TR
dc.subject Sight tr_TR
dc.title İslam inancında meleklerin görülmesinin imkanı tr_TR
dc.title.alternative The possibility of sighting angels in Islamic belief tr_TR
dc.type conferenceObject tr_TR
dc.relation.journal ICMUSS 3th International Congress of Multidisciplinary Social Sciences - 3. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi tr_TR
dc.contributor.department NEVU İlahiyat Fakültesi, Temel İslam Bilimleri Bölümü tr_TR
dc.contributor.authorID 277184 tr_TR
dc.identifier.startpage 232 tr_TR
dc.identifier.endpage 245 tr_TR

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