Bioaccumulation of some heavy metals (Cd, Fe, Zn and Cu) in fresh parts of 2 bivalvia species (Pinctada radiata Leach,
1814 and Brachidontes pharaonis Fischer, 1870) was examined in samples collected between May, 1999, and April, 2000, in
Akkuyu Bay (Ü el, Turkey).
Heavy metal contents in soft bodies were measured by an atomic absorption spectrophometer.
The means of the amounts of heavy metals with standard errors were estimated as follows: 0.0605 ± 0.00467 µgg-1 Cd, 2.8227
± 0.24486 µgg-1 Fe, 0.2979 ± 0.02368 µgg-1 Zn, and 0.0355 ± 0.00303 µgg-1 Cu (wet weight) for B. pharaonis, but for P. radiata
the means were 0.0058 ± 0.00034 µgg-1 Cd, 0.3682 ± 0.04252 µgg-1 Fe, 0.1579 ± 0.00628 µgg-1 Zn, and 0.0027 ± 0.00018
µgg-1 Cu. In a comparison of the means, the order of magnitude will be Fe, Zn, Cd and Cu for B. pharaonis, and Fe, Zn, Cu and Cd
for P. radiata these results were below Turkish legal standards. Therefore, we may conclude that there is no heavy metal pollution
in Akkuyu Bay.
alõßmada (Mayõs 1999-Nisan 2000), Akkuyu KoyuÕndan (Ü el-T rkiye) toplanan ift kabuklu yumußak alardan, Pinctada
radiata Leach, 1814 ve Brachidontes pharaonis Fischer, 1870Õin yumußak dokularõnda Cd, Fe, Zn ve Cu birikimi araßtõrõlmõßtõr.
AÛõr metal i erikleri, Perkin-Elmer 2380 Model Atomik Absorbsiyon Spektrofotometresi ile l lm ßt r.
AÛõr metal birikim ortalamalarõ ve standart hatalar B. pharaonisÕte 0,0605 ± 0,00467 µgg-1 Cd, 2,8227 ± 0,24486 µgg-1 Fe, 0,2979
± 0,02368 µgg-1 Zn, 0,0355 ± 0,00303 µgg-1 Cu; P. radiataÕda ise 0,0058 ± 0,00034 µgg-1 Cd, 0,3682 ± 0,04252 µgg-1 Fe,
0,1579 ± 0,00628 µgg-1 Zn, 0,0027 ± 0,00018 µgg-1 Cu (yaß aÛõrlõk) olarak bulunmußtur. Buna g re, aÛõr metaller B. pharaonisÕte
Fe>Zn>Cd>Cu, P. radiataÕda ise Fe>Zn>Cu>Cd ßeklinde sõralanmõßtõr. Saptanan birikim miktarlarõ, T rk standartlarõnõn ok altõnda
olduÛundan, Akkuyu KoyuÕnda aÛõr metal kirliliÛinin olmadõÛõ sonucunu õkarmak m mk nd r.