The study investigates the effect of partial ozonation of textile wastewater, both at the inlet (pre-ozonation) and the outlet (post-ozonation) of biological treatment, for the optimization of COD and color removals, both typical polluting parameters associated with the textile industry. Pre-ozonation provides at optimum contact time of 15 minutes 85% color removal, but only 19% COD reduction. Removal of the soluble inert COD fraction remains at 7%, indicating selective preference of ozone for simpler compounds. Post-ozonation is much more effective on the breakdown of refractory organic compounds and on color removal efficiency. Ozonation after biological treatment results in almost complete color removal and a 14% soluble inert COD reduction. The polishing effect of post-ozonation also proves quite attractive from an economical standpoint, involving approximately 50% of the ozone utilization at the same ozone flux rate and contact time, yet providing a lower soluble residual COD level.