The purpose of this study is to determine elementary school students’ level of self-regulation skills—goal setting and to
develop strategies to achieve these goals. Survey method is used in the study with the participants of 368 students. The study
was conducted at two elementary schools in Incesu and Kocasinan provinces of Kayseri and students filled a five-item Likert
type scale. Data were analysed using statistical analysis program and 0.05 significance level was accepted. The result shows
that the average grade of girls was higher than the boys, the average of 5th grades was higher than 6th grades and the
average of the school in the city centre was higher than the school in the rural area. Also, there was a significant difference
between the self-regulation scores of the grade levels in the favour of 5th grades. Lastly, the self-regulation score of the
students living in city centre was higher than that of students living in village.