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DSpace @ NEVU: Recent submissions

  • Kabalcı, Ersan; Kabalcı, Yasin (Springer, 2019)
    The smart grid that is a new concept introduced at the beginning of the 2000s intends to include bidirectional communication infrastructure to conventional grids in order to enable information and communication technologies ...
  • Kabalcı, Ersan (Springer, 2019)
    This chapter deals with novel technologies in terms of power electronics, power converters, information and communication technologies (ICTs), energy storage systems (ESSs), electric vehicles (EVs), and microgeneration ...
  • Kabalcı, Ersan; Kabalcı, Yasin (Springer Nature, 2019)
    The book presents a broad overview of emerging smart grid technologies and communication systems, offering a helpful guide for future research in the field of electrical engineering and communication engineering. It explores ...
  • Kabalcı, Ersan; Kabalcı, Yasin (Elsevier, 2019-05-01)
    Electrical harmonics directly affect the power quality of electrical systems. In order to improve power quality of electrical systems, accurate estimation of electrical harmonics is crucial and essential. This paper presents ...
  • Kabalcı, Ersan; Kabalcı, Yasin (Academic Press, 2019-07-30)
    From Smart Grid to Internet of Energy covers novel and emerging metering and monitoring technologies, communication systems, and technologies in smart grid areas to present a valuable reference for readers from various ...
  • Kabalcı, Yasin; Kabalcı, Ersan; Padmanaban, Sanjeevikumar; Bo Holm-Nielsen, Jens; Blaabjerg, Frede (MDPI Electronics, 2019-08-31)
    Energy Internet (EI) has been recently introduced as a new concept, which aims to evolve smart grids by integrating several energy forms into an extremely flexible and effective grid. In this paper, we have comprehensively ...
  • Mahdavi Tabatabaei, Naser; Kabalcı, Ersan; Bizon, Nicu (Springer, 2020)
    The gradual decrement of fossil fuels, low energy efficiency and environmental problems met all over the world has led to several power system researches. These problems have promoted researches on alternative energy sources ...
  • Kabalcı, Ersan; Kabalcı, Yasin (Academic Press, 2021)
    The power systems comprise centralized and distributed generation sources, building the generation stage. The generators actuated by any of the power sources convert any type of energy to electrical power and are described ...
  • Ramavath, Srinivas; V. Jha, Amitkumar; Chandra, Umesh; Appasani, Bhargav; Kabalcı, Yasin; Kabalcı, Ersan (Springer, 2020-08-12)
  • Kabalcı, Ersan; Mishra, S.K.; Kumar Mohanta, Dushmanta; Appasani, Bhargav (Springer, 2021)
    This book discusses about the new techniques of power generation control of oscillating water column (OWC) using airflow control and maximum power point tracking of OWC using rotational speed control. OWCs harness energy ...
  • Kabalcı, Ersan (Academic Press, 2021-03-01)
    Multilevel Inverters: Control Methods and Power Electronics Applications provides a suite of powerful control methods for conventional and emerging inverter topologies instrumentalized in power electronics applications. ...
  • Kabalcı, Ersan; Kabalcı, Yasin; Siano, Pierluigi (International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022-01-01)
    The distributed generation (DG) and the integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) have leveraged the improvement of the smart grid for a few decades. The smart home energy management systems (HEMSs) have also attracted ...
  • Kabalcı, Ersan; Gautam, M. K.; Pati, A; Mishra, S.K.; Appasani, Bhargav; Bizon, Nicu (Sustainability, 2021)
    Networked control systems (NCSs) are attracting the attention of control system engineers. The NCS has created a paradigm shift in control system technology. An NCS consists of control loops joined through communication ...
  • Yaralı, Mustafa Cihan (Karatay Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / İşletme Ana Bilim Dalı, 2018-09-26)
    Yerel medya, yöre halkının ister olumlu isterse olumsuz konularda seslerinin duyurulmasında önemli bir misyona sahiptir. Yöre insanlarının talep ve şikâyetlerinin yerel yönetimler ile fark edilmesinde bir köprü görevi ...
  • Yaralı, Mustafa Cihan; Ergun, Hüseyin (Bucak İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi / Dergipark, 2021-04)
    Balanced Scorecard; alanyazında çoğunlukla performans yönetim sistemlerinden Kurumsal Performans veya Dengeli Kurum Karnesi olarak ifade edilmektedir. Örgütlerin, stratejik planlamaları çerçevesinde benimsenen misyon ve ...
  • Yaralı, Mustafa Cihan (ICCET'21 CAPADOCCIA, 2021-06-02)
    COVID-19 pandemi sürecinin ortaya çıkması ile birlikte örgütlerde meydana gelen değişimin gerekliliği; örgütsel çevreye kendilerini yeniden tasarlama ve yenileme hususunda rehberlik ederek, süreç içerisinde örgütlerin ...
  • Colak, Medine; Yesilbudak, Mehmet; Bayindir, Ramazan (2020)
    Solar energy is a safe, clean, environmentally-friendly and renewable energy source without any carbon emissions to the atmosphere. Therefore, there are many studies in the field of solar energy in order to obtain the ...
  • Yaralı, Mustafa Cihan; Öge, Ali (ISEFE, 2019-12-08)
    Strateji ve lider kavramları günümüzün yönetimi açısından en önemli kavramlarıdır. Liderin, bu kavramları birleştirerek ve uygulama safhasına koyarak yani liderin, vizyon sahibi oluşu, planlanan faaliyetlerle ilgili ...
  • Erer, Beyza; Demirel, Ebru (2018)
    Liderlik, insanların birlikte yaşamaya başladıkları günden beri var olan ve niteliği her zaman merakla araştırılan önemli bir konu olmuştur. Günümüzde her alanda hızlı değişimlerin yaşanması, teknolojinin sürekli gelişim ...
  • Başaran Alagöz, Selda; Demirel, Ebru (Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2017)
    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Konya’daki tüketicilerin helal sertifikalı ürünleri satın alma niyetlerini ve bu tüketicilerin tüketim davranışlarını etkileyen sebepleri araştırmaktır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada Konya ilinde yaşayan ...