Türk Dünyasının Bilge Atası Dede Korkut

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dc.contributor.author Durbilmez, Bayram
dc.date.accessioned 2024-08-07T11:07:26Z
dc.date.available 2024-08-07T11:07:26Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.citation Durbilmez, Bayram (2023). SÖZLÜ KÜLTÜRDEN YAZILI KÜLTÜRE: DEDE KORKUT'UN SOY KÖKÜ VE AİLESİ ÜZERİNE BAZI TESPİTLER (FROM ORAL CULTURE TO WRITTEN CULTURE: SOME FINDINGS ON DEDE KORKUT'S ANCESTRY AND FAMILY), Türk Dünyasının Bilge Atası Dede Korkut (Hzl. E. Yıldırım- E. Özdaşlı- S. Kekevi), Bayburt Kültür ve Yardım Derneği (Bilgeoğuz Mat.) Yay.: İstanbul. tr_TR
dc.identifier.uri 978-
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11787/8588
dc.description.abstract ral history and oral literature relations have an important place in the formation and development of epics. For this reason, it is necessary to consider the historical information in the epics cautiously. Historical events, historical figures and place names in epics may have undergone various changes during the formation and development process of epics. Historical events adorned with elements of oral literature such as various myths, legends and fairy tales can be told by adapting them according to the time and place in which the epic is told and/or written. If the adaptability and diversification features of oral history and oral literature products are ignored, evaluations about the information in the texts may mislead researchers. Despite this, epics maintain their feature of being an important so urce of information in studies about historical events and histo rical figures for which there is not enough information and do cuments. Among the most important sources of information about research on Turkish history are the Oguznames. Dede Korkut manuscripts have a special place among the Oğuzna mes. Apart from the Dede Korkut manuscripts, there are also various myths, legends, tales and story-specific narratives rela ted to Dede Korkut. If we accept Dede Korkut and the epic heroes in the stories in the Dede Korkut manuscripts as personalities who lived in history, we will have to search for information about them from written and oral cultural sources. Although in formation about Dede Korkut's ancestry and family is rarely included in written sources, most of this information is based on literary products told within the oral culture tradition. Although other information and documents are needed to support the accuracy of this information, it is useful to evaluate the in formation from oral literature until new information and documents are found. In this research, it is aimed to gather the information in written and oral sources about Dede Korkut's ancestry and family (his mother, father, siblings -brother and sister-, wife and children) and to evaluate this information in terms of oral history. tr_TR
dc.language.iso tur tr_TR
dc.publisher Bayburt Kültür ve Yardım Derneği tr_TR
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess tr_TR
dc.subject Dede korkut tr_TR
dc.subject Legend tr_TR
dc.subject Mythology tr_TR
dc.subject Oral History tr_TR
dc.title Türk Dünyasının Bilge Atası Dede Korkut tr_TR
dc.title.alternative Sözlü kültürden yazılı kültüre: dede korkut'un soy kökü ve ailesi üzerine bazı tespitler (from oral culture to wrıtten culture: some fındıngs on dede korkut's ancestry and famıly) tr_TR
dc.type bookPart tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü tr_TR
dc.contributor.authorID 141505 tr_TR
dc.identifier.startpage 45 tr_TR
dc.identifier.endpage 64 tr_TR

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