Developing the irrational beliefs in mathematics scale (ibims): A validity and reliability study

Basit öğe kaydını göster Kaya, Deniz 2022-06-13T07:21:46Z 2022-06-13T07:21:46Z 2017-08-23
dc.identifier.citation Kaya, D. (2017). Developing the irrational beliefs in mathematics scale (IBIMS): A validity and reliability study. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 9(3), 627–644. tr_TR
dc.identifier.issn 1307-9298
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this study is developing a valid and reliable scale intended to determine the irrational beliefs of students in mathematics. The study was conducted with a study group consisting of 700 students in 2015-2016 academic year. Expert opinions were received for the content and face validity of the scale, and the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were applied. After the EFA was applied a structure was obtained consisting of 20 items, which explained 53.86% of the total variance and the four factors. The findings obtained from the CFA showed that the structure consisting of 20 items and the four factors related to the IrrationalBeliefs in Mathematics Scale (IBIMS) had adequate consistency indices (x2/df=2.50, RMSEA=.056, SRMR=.056, GFI=.92, AGFI=.90, CFI=.92, IFI=.90, PNFI=.76). The total internal consistency coefficient of the scale was calculated as .81, and the internal consistency coefficients of the items of Finding Reasons, Perfection, Being Conditioned andInclinations for Being Acceptedwere calculated as .85, .78, .71 and .66 respectively. The test-retest measurement reliability was found to be .75. The discrimination ofthe items in the scale was made with the total corrected item correlation by comparing the 27% lower-upper group comparisons. tr_TR
dc.language.iso eng tr_TR
dc.publisher Kura Publishing House tr_TR
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess tr_TR
dc.subject Developing scale tr_TR
dc.subject Irrationalbelief tr_TR
dc.subject Mathematics tr_TR
dc.subject Reliability tr_TR
dc.subject Validity tr_TR
dc.title Developing the irrational beliefs in mathematics scale (ibims): A validity and reliability study tr_TR
dc.type article tr_TR
dc.relation.journal International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi/eğitim fakültesi/matematik ve fen bilimleri eğitimi bölümü/matematik eğitimi anabilim dalı tr_TR
dc.contributor.authorID 262266 tr_TR
dc.identifier.volume 9 tr_TR
dc.identifier.issue 3 tr_TR
dc.identifier.startpage 627 tr_TR
dc.identifier.endpage 644 tr_TR

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