Proving Lineage by DNA Fingerprint Test in Islamic (Family) Law
Medical science has made great progress today and scientists have made many new dis coveries about the building blocks of human cells. Today undoubtedly, one of the most
important inventions of medical/biological science is to discover DNA fingerprint which
forms genetic codes of human being and allowing transfer of genetic traits from genera tion to generation. DNA fingerprint is genetic codes that transmit from parents to children
through inheritance, signify each individual’s particular biological identity and enable to
present within the framework of specific scientific guidelines. Nowadays, DNA fingerprint
is reference vehicle of scientific proof for linage certainty and banishment, evidencing
crimes and identification. There are five proving instruments that consist of firâs/marriage,
ikrâr/profess şahitlik/testify, kıyâfe/trace physiological science and kur’a/lot in Classical Is lamic Law doctrine related to proof of linage. In this article, proving linage by DNA finger print test that means of modern evidencing is focused on the place of Islamic law.
Keywords: DNA, DNA Fingerprint, Islamic Family Law, Linage, Evidence, Proving Vehicles/
means of proof