Solitons and shock waves solutions for the rosenau-kdv-RLW equation

Basit öğe kaydını göster Karakoç, Seydi Battal Gazi Gao, Fuzheng Kumar, Samir Kumar 2021-09-23T06:21:20Z 2021-09-23T06:21:20Z 2018
dc.description.abstract In this article, a space time numerical scheme has been proposed to approximate solutions of the nonlinear Rosenau-Korteweg-de Vries-Regularized Long Wave (Rosenau-KdV-RLW) equation which represents the dynamics of shallow water waves. The scheme is based on a septic B-spline finite element method for the spatial approximation followed by a method of lines for the temporal integration. The proposed scheme has been illustarated with two test problems involving single solitary and shock waves. To demonstrate the competency of the present numerical algorithm the error norms L2 , L and two lowest invariants MI and E I have been calculated. Linear stability analysis of the scheme has been studied using von-Neumann theory. The illustrated results confirm that the method is efficient and preserves desired accuracy. tr_TR
dc.language.iso eng tr_TR
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess tr_TR
dc.title Solitons and shock waves solutions for the rosenau-kdv-RLW equation tr_TR
dc.type article tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi/fen-edebiyat fakültesi/matematik bölümü/uygulamalı matematik anabilim dalı tr_TR
dc.contributor.authorID 28727 tr_TR
dc.identifier.volume 4 tr_TR
dc.identifier.issue 45 tr_TR
dc.identifier.startpage 1073 tr_TR
dc.identifier.endpage 1088 tr_TR

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